
The school festival arrives, the sports is going to come! A fierce tug-of-war is going on in Grade Four!

上海龙凤shlf最新地址 The players in the wide arena are rubbing their hands, as if itching to drag the opposite side in front of their own face immediately. Look at the students around, all with burning blood, as if they also want to participate in.

上海龙凤shlf最新地址 Most of our teammates are like bean sprouts, but half of the opponents are heavy, laughing at us with “bad smile”, seeming to bring us down only by laughing! Some of them squat with horse stance, with their teeth clenched, tauten the rope; Some put the rope around their shoulders, sideways, with bow legs, seemingly there are a few large pots of braised pork ribs tied on the other side of the rope.

上海龙凤shlf最新地址 There is another "heavyweight", simply pulls the rope, sitting on the ground with a butt, with leisurely appearance, seemingly he could not be moved at all even by ten big trucks. The huge physical gap between the two sides is quite obvious. Two "hercules" of us can only pull one of their “fatty” reluctantly, not to mention the "pencil necked"! And sure enough, the "heavyweight" sitting on the ground stands up, turns around, steps forward, an explosion, all of us wiped out!

上海龙凤shlf最新地址 The second round: we’ve changed the strategy – defensing is the best policy. At the beginning, we only pull with less energy, to guarantee not to be pulled over the boundary line, to leave enough strength to withstand their "explosion". Sure enough, the outbreak comes, at the same time, we also break out! As we expected, the obese guys despise their enemy, coupled with poor stamina, stand off with us for a while,then discouraged, we fall swoop!

The decisive third round finally arrives! "A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit", the obese people don't use brute force, but with balanced strength. Ha, opportunity comes again! Now that you don't do it, it’s our turn! All of us players pull together, with full effort, one, two, three! The libra of victory completely pulls to us in the moment!

上海龙凤shlf最新地址 We are winners! At the moment, the field is full of applause, merged into the ocean of joy!





上海龙凤shlf最新地址 还有一位“重量级”,干脆拉着绳子,一屁股坐在地上,一副悠闲自得的样子,仿佛十辆大卡车也别想拉得动他。嗨!双方的体格差距太大了,对方一个“胖墩”,我们两个“大力士”才勉强拉动,更别提“瘦猴”了!果然,坐在地上的这位“重量级”站起来,一转身,向前走了几步,一爆发,我方就全军覆没了!

上海龙凤shlf最新地址 第二局:我们改变了策略——以防守为上策。一开始,少用力,能保证线不过界就行,留力气扛他们的“大爆发”。果然,对方的爆发来了,与此同时,我们也爆发了!正如我们预料,胖子们轻敌,再加上耐力不佳,与我方僵持了一会就泄气了,被我们一举攻破!




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